SCC ends the summer with an all church picnic at Kneeland Park. It will be a potluck event, with fun, food, fellowship and a great way to end our summer…
Tag: Shelton Christian Church
20 Somethings
Our Twenty-Somethings group will have their gathering on July 20 at 4:00. Those young adults out of High School are invited to attend.
Junior Camp
This year's Junior Camp at Pleasant Valley Camp for grades 4-6. Call the office to register.
Lemonade Sunday II
On Sunday the Junior Campers will be selling lemonade after church to raise money for camp scholarships. Plan on a little refreshment as we head off to our afternoons.
Junior High Mission Trip
Each year the Junior Highers from SCC go to Idaho to help out at Boise Christian Children's Ranch. Following the work there is a trip to Utah to go to…
Youth Mexico Mission
Our High Schoolers and adult sponsors will be heading to Mexico to build a home for a family near Tiajuana. Pray for safety of travel and great teamwork among the…
Twenty Somethings group will meet at 4:00.
Youth Yard Sale
SCC's Youth Group will have its annual fund raising yard sale on Saturday, May 31. Donations are welcome.
Easter Sunday
Easter Service 10:00 AM 105 Arcadia Ave., Shelton, WA Message: Romans 6, "Raised With Christ"
Ladies Draw Me Close
A coninuing look at some of the women of the Bible. Join the ladies for a light meal and great study.