Events for March 13, 2025 – SHELTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Latest Past Events

Junior Camp

Pleasant Valley Christian Camp Mineral

Pleasant Valley's Junior Camp is coming, grades 4-6 (going into). This is a great camp. Debbie and Pastor Bruce will be going with the kids from our church. Global Vision...


Youth Group Valentine Dinner

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Our youth group is hosting a fund raising dinner before Valentine's Day. This is not a sweetheart or Valentine dinner, but a dinner for everyone around Valentine's Day. All proceeds...


Northwest Schools of Mission

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

We are hosting this years Schools of Mission on October 1, 2017 at both our Sunday School and Worship hours. This year we will have Larry and Teri Lewis who...