Top of the Hill Gang
The TOTH Gang meets for a potluck at Gil and Betty Palmer's. Hawaiian theme please.
Teaching His Word . . . Touching Our World | A Nondenominational Congregation
The TOTH Gang meets for a potluck at Gil and Betty Palmer's. Hawaiian theme please.
We will resume our Sunday School classes after our Summer Hiatus.
Our Wednesday morning Bible Study resumes on September 13 with a Appetizer Potluck.
A new year for Kingdom Kids will begin September 27. Classes for ages 3 thru 5th grade.
The ladies are starting their Wednesday night Bible Study again. All ladies are invited.
We are hosting this years Schools of Mission on October 1, 2017 at both our Sunday School and Worship hours. This year we will have Larry and Teri Lewis who are directors of Berlin Connections a library, bookstore, and coffee-shop that shares the gospel in Germany.
The annual Harvest Party takes place on the Wednesday before Halloween. There will be games, food (meatball subs), candy, and fun, fun, fun. No scary costumes.
We begin our Thanksgiving celebrations by dining together as a church family. The church provides drinks, and turkey, stuffing, and hopefully gravy. There is a list available of things to bring including dessert, green beans, salads, roll, and SCC potato casserole. Sign up in the church entryway or call the office. Our offering will be...
Our Annual Christmas Eve Service is on Sunday this year, beginning at 6:00. It is a great way to start our family Christmas celebrations. There is scripture, music, prayers, and a reflection. Join us.
Our Annual observance of the four weeks of Advent begins December 3 and continues for four weeks. If you want to participate in this year's readings a sign up sheet will be available Sunday, November 26.