Past Events from October 13, 2013 – April 11, 2013 – Page 16 – SHELTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Half Day Prayer

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Periodically the church family gathers for a half day prayertime. We begin with some directions and then dismiss to spread around the church building for a morning of worship and prayer. We might use music, a devotional, prepared prayer lists, and/or journals to seek God and to petition him. It is a great morning experience....

Twenty Somethings

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Our church family, ages 18-29 (or so), gather twice a month. This is the second gathering for Janyary.

Annual Meeting

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

SCC Annual Meeting Following The Sunday Service Potluck Follows

Ministry Community

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Our Monthly Ministry Community Meeting Tuesday, February 3 In the Church Office 

Valentine Dinner

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Youth Group Fund raising (for Mexico Mission Trip) Sunday, February 8 At Shelton Christian Church

Draw Me Close Study

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Draw Me Close SCC's Monthly Women's Study Light Dinner Followed by Study

Kid’s Retreat

Pleasant Valley Camp Mineral, WA, United States

Kids Retreat 2015 For Grades 4-6 At Pleasant Valley Christian Camp "Your Move" is the theme of this year's retreat and we have lots of games ready to be played (wait 'til you see them all, we're going to have so much fun!)! But all the fun and games simply introduce the most important part of...


My Story Gathering

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

 We are commanded to be ready to give account for the hope that is within us. This is our chance to work on that account.   Thursday, February 19 Shelton Christian Church

New Comers Class

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

New To Shelton Christian Want to know more about the church Here is your opportunity.

Shelton Haiti Team

It is time for the Shelton Haiti Trip Please Pray for the team and they bring medical clinics, encouragement, and training to the people of Haiti.