Past Events from October 13, 2013 – April 11, 2013 – Page 14 – SHELTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Top of the Hill Gang Potluck

This month's Top of the Hill Gang gathering will be held at Rick and Jeanne Korver's home. All ages are invited to this one.

Labor Day Weekend BBQ

SCC celebrates (or laments) the end of summer by having a potluck picnic. It will happen September 6 following church at Kneeland Park. Expect a great time. Maybe this year we can share our lunch with others in the park. We had that chance last year feeding several homeless people.

Wednesday AM Bible Study Resumes

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

It starts up again, continuing in Jeremiah where we left off, Chapter 25.

Youth Group Restarts

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

The Youth are back at it.

Resume Sunday School

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Sunday School for all ages begins at 9:00 am.

Kingdom Kids – 2015

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Kingdom Kids Starts September 30 at 6:30!!!!!!!!!

Draw Me Close

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Our monthly woman's study returns. Dinner at 6:30, program at 7:00

Half Day Prayer

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Periodically SCC gathers for a morning of prayer, worship and reflection on God's leading and directing.

Top of the Hill Gang

Weare having our monthly Top of the Hill Gang gathering at what was the Royal Shanghi Buffet on Sunday after church.

Harvest Party

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

SCC is hosting it annual Harvest Party, Oct 28 @ 6:30 PM. Games, food, candy, and non-scary costumes. Join the fun.