Past Events from October 13, 2013 – April 11, 2013 – Page 11 – SHELTON CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Draw Me Close

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Our monthly women's gathering. Light supper at 6:30 and study at 7:00.

Cleaning Day

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

Its been a long Winter and things have gotten a little dirty around the church. It is time for a little Spring cleaning. Lots to do, windows, fence, cobwebs, dusting, gutters cleaned and so much more.

Good Friday Service

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

 Our Annual Good Friday Service Shelton Christian Church Friday, March 25 @ 6:00

Financial Peace University

Shelton Christian Church 115 W Arcadia Ave, Shelton

 We begin our SCC Class on Sunday, April 3 @ 5:30 Check out this video. If you are ready to be in the class, here is ours.


National Day of Prayer

Mason County Courthouse 4th Ave, Shelton

At the courthouse at noon the churches of Shelton gather to pray for our city, county, state and nation.

National Day of Prayer

Gateway Christian Fellowship 405 S 7th St, Shelton

For those who could not be at the noon celebration of the National Day of Prayer, the churches of Shelton gather at Gateway Christian Fellowship to pray for our country and local issues. It will include prayers, scripture, and songs. Join us.

Youth Group Yard Sale

Our youth group is raising money for Mexico mission with Amor Ministries in July. This is their annual yard sale. Come get the good stuff.

SCC To A Baseball Game

Shelton Christian Church is planniing an outing to watch some AAA baseball. We are looking at June 18th. We are looking for 20 people and we can have a group, which is always fun. So sign up and let's play ball!


Youth Mexico Mission

Our 23rd Summer trip to Mexico to build a home with AMOR Ministries.