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Text Box: Let’s Pray
For the Week of July 28, 2024
SCC Mission Support—Care Net Pregnancy Center; Evergreen  Church Planting Network; Pleasant Valley Christian Camp; Love, Inc.; World Outreach Ministries; As We Go Missions
SCC Leadership—Elders: Mike Woods, Rick Korver, Don Kunkle, Cliff Johnson
Bible Teachers and the Worship Team at SCC—pray for your leaders
Those At Home—Jean McMath, Elaine Adam, Ron & Barbara Kunkle, Frank DuMars                                       
Pray for our next SCC pastor
Upcoming VBS  - Good Weather & Good Friendships (With God & Others)
Frank DuMars—prayer for strength during rehab, his health issues (and for Wanda with decisions)
Ken Keiper—Health issues, healing needed
Carolyn LeCompte’s Aunt Bernie—complete healing and recovery following surgery
Patty Ragsdale—prayers for positive treatments and complete healing from breast cancer
Jeanne Blanton—pray for complete healing from breast cancer
Gil & Betty Palmer—continued healing and comfort
Linda Gray—Physical therapy goals 
Ellie Hoffman—Andy & Shaina’s little girl—continued healing from tonsilectomy
Pray for God’s best for our country’s leadership
Israeli/Hamas War—Pray for PEACE
Ukraine/Russia War—Pray for PEACE

Welcome To Shelton Christian Church                         


July 28, 2024

Text Box: Live Streaming is still available.                                                     Go to and search for Shelton Christian Church. OR go to Shelton Christian Church Facebook  and find us there. 
Coming Up On the Calendar                          July 30  		Laura’s Theme mtg, 10 am                                                      July 31		Youth Group Lake Day At Becca’s!  5-8:00 pm Families 				are welcome (Dinner at 7 pm)                                                                                                                                     July 28		Elder’s Bible Study (Every 4th Sunday)                             July 28th,Aug. 4th & 11  VBS PRE-REGISTRATION  SUNDAYS                     August 7	Last Day of Youth Group for the Summer                                                                                                                                                                                              August 12-16  Vacation Bible School  (See Debbie if you want to help) There will be NO Women’s Gathering in August

“God So Loved”

“Our God Saves”

Welcome & Announcements

“Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord”


“Goodness of God

Meditations ……………………….Mike Woods

“You Are My King”

(Children may be dismissed for  Jr. Church)

Message............ ……...…Pastor Bill Adam

The Holy Spirit & You                             Luke 17:33, 24:49; Galatians 5:16-17, 22-23

Invitation Song                                                   “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”


Text Box: Call To Worship  

Psalm 28:6-7
Praise be to the LORD for He has heard my cry for mercy.                     The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.        My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song.

         WELCOME! We thank you for joining us in worship of our Lord and Savior, Jesus today! May you be blessed as we worship Him together.  


AUGUST 12-16                         9AM-12:15 PM

     For Children 4 years—4th Grade